The Legion of Reason

Attacks in Sri Lanka, Cockroach visits Winnipeg, more Brunei stoning penalty stuff, and MORE!

Episode Summary

For Episode 255, April 28, 2019: Eye on Islam... Of course we'll talk about the Islamist attacks in Sri Lanka. Linda "Cockroach" Sarsour was invited to speak in Winnipeg, but the city's mayor Brian Bowman is demanding she be disinvited. The Sadistic Sultan of Brunei defends signing the death penalty by stoning for homosexuality and adultery into law against its European critics, writing that there is a high bar for finding someone guilty. Cuz yeah. That's what the problem is, not that these are considered crimes in the first place. Writing in the Guardian, Owen Jones makes a plea to the Muslim community to band together to fight the far right which threatens The Regressive Left Files... What's this? An American college where students engage in discourse with someone they disagree with? How dare they! After Middlebury College cancelled an event mere hours before Charles Murray was scheduled to speak, one class quietly decided to invite him and engage his ideas. Wow. What a concept! At Sartoga Springs High School parents were up in arms about an assignment wherein students calculated their privilege, as if a single number could sum up anyone's life experiences. Victimhood culture poisons everything, just like religion. Catholic Watch... Easter has come and gone for another year. Pope denounces the "glitter of wealth" in front of giant gold-guilded candle inside of opulent St. Peter's Basilica, designed to project the Church's power and wealth, not to mention the favor of God. No one has ever accused the Vatican of a good sense of self awareness. Meanwhile, non-Roman Catholic catholic churches are on the rise in the US. I wonder why? New Jersey governor Phil Murphy signed a bill into law allowing medical assistance in dying in that state. This despite his Catholic beliefs and the protestations of bishops. Yes, Virginia, it is possible to act in the best interests of all despite one's personal beliefs. A Philadelphia court ruled against the archdiocese who took the city to court over its refusal to renew a contract to place children in foster care. Why? The Catholic Social Services refused even in principle placing foster children with same-sex couples. One question - why the hell is Catholic Social Services a thing? Quack Tracts... The current measles crisis is the worst outbreak in 25 years. Thanks, Obama!

Episode Notes

For Episode 255, April 28, 2019:

Eye on Islam...
Of course we'll talk about the Islamist attacks in Sri Lanka.

Linda "Cockroach" Sarsour was invited to speak in Winnipeg, but the city's mayor Brian Bowman is demanding she be disinvited.

The Sadistic Sultan of Brunei defends signing the death penalty by stoning for homosexuality and adultery into law against its European critics, writing that there is a high bar for finding someone guilty. Cuz yeah. That's what the problem is, not that these are considered crimes in the first place.

Writing in the Guardian, Owen Jones makes a plea to the Muslim community to band together to fight the far right which threatens

The Regressive Left Files...
What's this? An American college where students engage in discourse with someone they disagree with? How dare they! After Middlebury College cancelled an event mere hours before Charles Murray was scheduled to speak, one class quietly decided to invite him and engage his ideas. Wow. What a concept!

At Sartoga Springs High School parents were up in arms about an assignment wherein students calculated their privilege, as if a single number could sum up anyone's life experiences. Victimhood culture poisons everything, just like religion.

Catholic Watch...
Easter has come and gone for another year. Pope denounces the "glitter of wealth" in front of giant gold-guilded candle inside of opulent St. Peter's Basilica, designed to project the Church's power and wealth, not to mention the favor of God. No one has ever accused the Vatican of a good sense of self awareness.

Meanwhile, non-Roman Catholic catholic churches are on the rise in the US. I wonder why?

New Jersey governor Phil Murphy signed a bill into law allowing medical assistance in dying in that state. This despite his Catholic beliefs and the protestations of bishops. Yes, Virginia, it is possible to act in the best interests of all despite one's personal beliefs.

A Philadelphia court ruled against the archdiocese who took the city to court over its refusal to renew a contract to place children in foster care. Why? The Catholic Social Services refused even in principle placing foster children with same-sex couples. One question - why the hell is Catholic Social Services a thing?

Quack Tracts...
The current measles crisis is the worst outbreak in 25 years. Thanks, Obama!