The Legion of Reason

Rahaf Al-Qunun arrives in Canada; Women in KSA notified of divorce by text message; German cardinal blames homosexuality for sex abuse scandal, and more!

Episode Summary

On our plate for this episode…. **Eye on Islam** While on vacation with her family in Kuwait, 18-year old Rahaf al-Qunun escaped in a bid to seek asylum in Australia. Detained by Thai authorities at the request of the Barbaric State, social media put pressure on Thai immigration officials to rescind their original decision to repatriate her into the clutches of her patriarchal family. Now she’s on her way to Canada, and that makes me very proud of this great nation. In an era where social media is all too often used to punish those who do not meet ideological purity tests, this is a win. Pressure from the Council on American-Islamic Relations has forced Amazon to remove certain products including door and bath mats they deemed offensive as they were imprinted with Islamic calligraphy, references to the Prophet Muhammad and Quranic scripture. I’d be more conciliatory to this had CAIR kept its big mouth shut and not said some very disturbing things. Married women in the Barbaric State of KSA rejoice! You can get the news that your husband has divorced you via a text message. How progressive! (I’m not making this up.) **Catholic Watch** The anti-Christ has been revealed! The head of the Russian Orthodox Church says the data-gathering capacity of devices such as smartphones risks bringing humanity closer to his arrival. Too late! Google is already here. Here we go again…. German cardinal Walter Brandmüller makes the claim that homosexuality is to blame for the Catholic Church’s predatory priest scandals. We unpack what he has to say in terms of not only his premises, but to their logical conclusions, ones he won’t like at all. **The Regressive Left Files** More fallout from the “Sokal Squared” debacle. Portland State University doubles down and brings up charges of ethical misconduct because…. Wait for it! Peter Boghossian did not seek prior institutional approval for the use of human subjects in the “grievance studies” hoax. I kid you not. Heavyweights such as Robert Sopalsky and Steven Pinker get behind Peter in support.

Episode Notes

On our plate for this episode….

Eye on Islam

While on vacation with her family in Kuwait, 18-year old Rahaf al-Qunun escaped in a bid to seek asylum in Australia. Detained by Thai authorities at the request of the Barbaric State, social media put pressure on Thai immigration officials to rescind their original decision to repatriate her into the clutches of her patriarchal family. Now she’s on her way to Canada, and that makes me very proud of this great nation. In an era where social media is all too often used to punish those who do not meet ideological purity tests, this is a win.

Pressure from the Council on American-Islamic Relations has forced Amazon to remove certain products including door and bath mats they deemed offensive as they were imprinted with Islamic calligraphy, references to the Prophet Muhammad and Quranic scripture. I’d be more conciliatory to this had CAIR kept its big mouth shut and not said some very disturbing things.

Married women in the Barbaric State of KSA rejoice! You can get the news that your husband has divorced you via a text message. How progressive! (I’m not making this up.)

Catholic Watch

The anti-Christ has been revealed! The head of the Russian Orthodox Church says the data-gathering capacity of devices such as smartphones risks bringing humanity closer to his arrival. Too late! Google is already here.

Here we go again…. German cardinal Walter Brandmüller makes the claim that homosexuality is to blame for the Catholic Church’s predatory priest scandals. We unpack what he has to say in terms of not only his premises, but to their logical conclusions, ones he won’t like at all.

The Regressive Left Files

More fallout from the “Sokal Squared” debacle. Portland State University doubles down and brings up charges of ethical misconduct because…. Wait for it! Peter Boghossian did not seek prior institutional approval for the use of human subjects in the “grievance studies” hoax. I kid you not. Heavyweights such as Robert Sopalsky and Steven Pinker get behind Peter in support.