The Legion of Reason

The Glyphosate Manufacturesy – Guest Robert Wager

Episode Summary

Recent events have given the weed killer glyphosate a rough ride. The WHO’s International Agency for Cancer Research reclassified it as a “probable carcinogen” in 2015. Last month a California state court awarded $289 million to Dewayne Johnson who claimed his terminal case of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was caused by the herbicde. This past week a […]

Episode Notes

Recent events have given the weed killer glyphosate a rough ride. The WHO’s International Agency for Cancer Research reclassified it as a “probable carcinogen” in 2015. Last month a California state court awarded $289 million to Dewayne Johnson who claimed his terminal case of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was caused by the herbicde. This past week a […]